***I could smell pee in my daughters bedroom, which worried me because she is eight. It was just the theater popcorn from the day before....Nasty!
2. Why do my kids go potty in the tub, and then drink the water? This one really baffles me. (It may gross you out, but admit it, your kids have done it too!)
3. Why is it, when you have a new bottle of shampoo, the kids use half of it to make bubbles?
Example of #3.....
4. Why do they seem so surprised when you ask them why the shampoo is half gone? (see #3) They are the ones who dumped the shampoo.
5. Why do all the loud "disasters" occur as soon as you make a phone call? And you can't respond how you normally would because you don't want the caller to know you are "that kind of mom."
Do you have any random thoughts you would like to share?
Why is the (almost) only response that a kid can give when they are being called on their wrongdoing and asked why they did or didn't do whatever it is: "I don't know."
(Last line to be read with a plaintive whine of martyrdom.)
My kids will drink the water that a sibling has peed in...somehow this seems even grosser than if they are drinking their own pee
Oh snap! I'm "that kind of a mom", too. Even still I have to watch my comments on the phone when a disaster strikes, which is more often than not with Miguel around.
No lie...I've witness my kids get out of the tub to go to the bathroom. Very proud mom moment.
All my kids take showers now, so I don't have to worry about the pee thing.
Every time I am on the phone my kids start fighting or they think they need to tell me something sooo important. Drives me crazy!
Out of context here, but you'll know what I mean...I'd like to think it is referring to faith. At least that is how I take it.
My kids are the worst when I am on the phone. Maybe they know I won't get after them as much because I am trying to be polite.
Why does my 4 year old love the taste of boogers so much? That's my question of the day.
Even if they don't pee, you know what other body parts are in that water and what those body parts do. Ick!
I'm flashing back to a time when you and I dropped several hundred miniature soap bars in with our bath. Then when Mom requested that we fish them, out, the tub was so thick and milky that we couldn't even find our legs!
By the way, is the pee in the tub the magical ingredient that allows for rectangular soap bubbles?
Ahh....Willy! You smarty pants! I haven't been able to get Paintshop yet....you are too clever for your own good!
Why can boys not hit the toilet water? Seriously, if you have to go in for a 'sit down' are you really going to want to sit on your brothers' urine? WIPE THE SEAT and flush. That's all I ask.
(yes, this is why I clean bathrooms twice a week and spend half of my waking hours flushing toilets.)
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