Anyway, we were in the car, and Sassy had her new baby. This is what she said:
Sassy, "Mommy, my new baby told me she wants McDonalds."
Me, "Really? She said that?"
Sassy, "Yep! And if you don't she is going to cry real bad!"
I had to give her points for originality. Sadly, it wasn't enough points to get McDonalds.
Living vicariously through her baby doll. Very creative of her!
Won't the cost of diapers add up... or can you dry them out and reuse them? If that is in fact the case, it seems like this doll might be inadvertently teaching young aspiring mothers bad hygiene habits!
(Leave it to me to take something cute and innocent and turn it into something vile and grotesque.)
Those dolls are dangerous. The heads are as about as hard as a rock. Baby Alive has given family members fat lips literally.
Willy, are you saying that it is wrong to reuse diapers? Crap! I guess I have been perpetuating a bad habit myself...... :D
Actually, the doll only came with two diapers....which were soaked by the 2nd day. Alas, she is naked like all of Sassy's other dolls.
Sarah....I couldn't agree with you more. I, too, have been hit with the dear Baby Alive and it hurts!
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