Isn't it precious? I got this fantastic cake plate and now I am pretending that I like to bake. I will be removing these babies when they are green and furry! But, for right now, I look like a regular Martha Stewart! Oh the thrill!
At church, the kids were asked what there mother's like to do. One girl raised her hand and said, "My mom likes to cook until she bakes!" I can't imagine how long that it would makes me shudder to even consider it! :D
Do you like to cook or bake? Please share....I promise I won't mock! :D
Martha Stewart indeed!
I am in a cooking/baking slump right now. When I do go through a cooking/baking phase I really enjoy it! I think I like to collect recipes more than use them.
If you do let them turn green and furry. Take a picture. That would be so funny!
Those look really great.
I like to cook and bake. But mostly I like to eat! I will do anything just to eat the yummy results :)
Yes. I love to do both. All the time. It makes me fat. And my kids happy. And my husband crabby, because he too, gets fat. *just for the record, I realize it isn't the baking that makes me fat, it's the eating, but if I weren't so good at it, I wouldn't eat so much ;)
I like it when others do both for me!
Two things:
1. What did E-Man say I did?
2. I love to bake, hate to clean up afterwards.
Billie, are you sure you want the answer to that? Although, I too, am curious!
I don't like cooking, it is a chore. I like to eat, so therefore, I cook.
2busy said it all there. I really couldn't agree more.
I'd probably try to scrape the fur off one of those muffins and eat it before I ever gave a second thought to firing up an oven. :P
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